#2 Example

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After 23 days

Dandruff and Dryness




After 27 days

Hair Loss




After 28 days

Redness and Itching




After 20 days

Hair Loss





Jelly Sticks Sold


Vet Recommended


Saw Improvement Within 30 Days

Here's How MIRANEST Jelly Stick Works

Exclusive Glyconutrients

Glyconutrient is essential for a pet's internal health, enhancing their immunity and restoring skin condition.

Natrual Superfood

Swiftlet's nest is a rare superfood from nature, exceptionally high in natural glyconutrients and other nutrients.

Simply to Feed

Package is easy to feed. One jelly stick a day can greatly boost their immunity and improve their health.

Proved Effectiveness

93.3% of users see clear improvement, like better fur and hair growth, within just 30 days of using our supplement.

How It Is Made

Harvesting the Treasure

Swiftlet's nest is a sustainable superfood only found in the jungles of Southeast Asia. We ensure its safety and use only the highest quality nests.

University Reseach

To make an effective and reliable product, we conducted joint research with well-known university and developed an exclusive technology of extraction.

A Supplement Dog Owners Loves

To create the perfect supplement for dogs, we spent years working closely with dog owners to gather feedback and make continuous improvements.

Made from Only Natural Ingredients

Swiftlet's Nest

Swiftlet's Nest, from Malaysian caves, is a rare and nutrient-rich ingredient. Packed with sialic acid, it boosts cell health, making it a valuable addition to pet supplements.

Sweet Potato

Japanese sweet potato which contains rich vitamin, fibre and also excites the appetite.

Beet Sugar

The sugar extracted from natural beet of Hokkaido which contains rich oligosaccharide that can improve the digest.

Dried Yeast & Dextrin

Rich in lactic acid bacteria and dietary fibre which supports a healthy diet by improving digest and lower anxious.

Fish Collagen Peptide

Collagen is essential for skin and coat care. We use the collagen peptide which is derived from fish and easy for absorption.

White Jelly Fungus

A natural moisturizer, supports skin hydration, boosts immune health, and aids in digestive health due to its high fiber content.


A natural dietary fiber that aids digestion, supports weight management, promotes gut health, and helps lower cholesterol.

Plant Fermentation Extract

Long-aged plant fermentation extracts from domestic raw materials regulate the intestinal environment.

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
A Natural Solution That Finally Worked for My Dogs Skin Issues

Im a retired vet tech, and my 7-year-old Beagle has been dealing with hair loss, redness, and constant itching on his face for years, especially around his forehead. He was always scratching his face, leaving red patches and thinning fur. Weve tried it allspecial diets, allergy meds, and even prescription creams. We also tried steroids, which seemed promising at firstthe itching stopped, and I felt hopeful. But after a few months, he developed a small sore on his forehead, and his fur began thinning more, with redness spreading across his forehead and around his ears. Frustrated with the side effects of these chemical drugs, I decided to look for a safer, natural alternative. Thats when I found MIRANEST Jelly Sticks. I was impressed with the natural ingredients and positive reviews, so I decided to give it a try. Im so glad I did! I started him on the Jelly Sticks, and within just 30 days, I saw incredible results. His forehead started to clear up within the first two weeks, and by the end of the month, his fur had almost fully grown back. The redness was gone, and he stopped scratching his face altogether. Its such a relief to see him so comfortable and happy without relying on medications with harsh side effects. MIRANEST Jelly Sticks have truly been a game-changer for us. The transformation in just 30 days is more than I could have hoped for! If your dog is struggling with skin issues, I cant recommend MIRANEST enough. Its safe, natural, and most importantly, it works!

5.0 out of 5 stars MIRACLE WORKER FOR HAIR LOSS! ????

PLEASE BUY THIS IF YOUR DOG HAS HAIR LOSS!!! I wrote a long review before, but then my phone glitched when I went to take a picture of my Frenchie, so here we go again! I have a sweet, wrinkly, snorting French Bulldog who started losing a lot of hair all over her body, leaving big bald patches. Weve tried everything, folks! From changing her diet to all kinds of creams and sprays, and nothing worked. And dont even get me started on the vet bills! ???? When I came across MIRANEST Jelly Sticks, I thought, "Why not?" Its worth a try. Let me tell you, after giving her one stick a day for about 40 days, I was amazed. Her fur is coming back! Not perfect yet, but its such a HUGE improvement! Shes no longer looking like a half-naked chicken ??. Shes got most of her coat back, and it feels soft and healthy! There are still some patches left, but Im confident theyll fill in soon. She actually loves these Jelly Sticks and thinks theyre treats! I toss one her way after breakfast, and she gobbles it up like its her favorite snack. No complaints from this picky eater! And let me tell you, I can finally walk her around the neighborhood without people stopping to ask, What happened to her? Now theyre asking what I did to help her. MIRANEST is my new answer! The best part? My house is filled with fewer fur tumbleweeds now! Ive got more hair on my head than my floor these days! ?? The whole family is relieved. I dont give them to her every single day anymore, just every other day, but the results are still there. Im definitely reordering because this has been a game-changer for us. Do yourself a favor and get these for your fur babies if theyre struggling

Works Well for My Bulldog's Hair Loss and Dry Skin

I dont usually rate products based on price. Yes, its a bit pricey, but its worth it and manageable, so Ill keep using it. Ive been giving MIRANEST Jelly Sticks to my 32 lb French Bulldog whos been dealing with a big patch of hair loss and dry, flaky skin on his left rear leg. Hes a healthy dog overall, but he has this ongoing issue that pops up, likely from allergies or just his breeds sensitive skin. The vet wanted to avoid steroids after we tried them oncethey helped for a bit, but the hair loss and dryness would come back a few weeks after stopping the meds. So, we decided to try a more natural approach, including a change in diet and supplements. The vet recommended looking for something gentle and effective, but didnt push a specific brand. I found MIRANEST Jelly Sticks while researching natural supplements that could help with skin and coat health. I figured it was worth a try. My Frenchie is super picky with his food, but he took to these Jelly Sticks right away. I give him one stick a day, and he actually thinks its a treat, so no issues there! Between switching to a grain-free, sensitive skin diet and adding these Jelly Sticks, Ive seen a real difference. His leg is looking so much better. The hair is slowly growing back, and the dry, flaky skin has improved a lot. Ive used natural supplements in the past for my other pets, so it made sense to give this a shot for my dog. The brand seems trustworthy, and the ingredients are solid. Im not sure if Ill keep it up daily forever or maybe just a few times a week once his leg looks fully healed. Either way, Im happy with the results so far, and Ill definitely be repurchasing.

I Had Faith in This Product and It Didnt Disappoint!

I believed in this product no matter what the reviews said. Ive tried almost everything for my 8-year-old Golden Retriever with her big bald patch on her stomach and thin, scraggly hair all over. So, I thought, why not try this? What could I lose? I was over the moon when the package arrived. I opened it up, and my girl was so excited because Id been telling her her special treats were coming. She sniffed the Jelly Stick and was hooked! I also have a Border Collie mix whos always chewing at his paws, and even he got excited about these. But my Golden is the one whos been struggling the most. Needless to say, they both ate them right up with no hesitation. And YES, IT DOES WORK!!! Im ordering another pack right now! Im so happy, happy, happy! I might just put it on auto-ship! After just 26 days, I couldnt believe itmy girls bald spot on her stomach is fully covered with fur again, and her coat is looking so much healthier and shinier. Shes got this beautiful, fluffy coat back that she hasnt had in years. And both dogs are looking great with no more itching or scratching! Theyre definitely happier since they started on this. They even sleep more soundly through the night and are more playful during the day. Worth every penny. I give them one Jelly Stick a dayhalf in the morning, half in the evening. Im thrilled with the results. They werent keen on wearing their bandanas for a while, but now they strut around with them on like they know they look good. ?? I couldnt be more pleased!

Finally, Some Relief for My Itchy Pup!

My poor beagle has been dealing with nonstop hair loss and skin issues. Weve tried everythingdifferent diets, special shampoos, you name it. Shes 9 years old and deserves to be comfortable, not scratching all the time. I decided to give MIRANEST Jelly Sticks a try after getting disappointed by another well-known brand. Honestly, I didnt expect much, but within about 4 days, I could see a change. Shes not 100% back to normal, but the hair loss has slowed down and shes not scratching as much. Its been just over a week, and Im definitely seeing some improvements. Her coat looks a bit shinier, and she seems more relaxed. Im hopeful and planning to keep using these to see how much better she can get!